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Why is oral health so important?

“Every tooth in a man’s head is more valuable than a diamond” – Brynn Bernhard

You may be able to prevent two of the most common diseases namely tooth decay (caries) and periodontal (gum) disease by simply improving your diet, this will not only be beneficial for your oral health but also for your whole body.

Your mouth is the window to your overall health, more than 90% of all systemic diseases produce oral signs and symptoms. Metabolism and digestion start at your mouth, so take care of your mouth.

One of the most common diseases worldwide is decay, decay results when the teeth and other hard tissues (periodontal bone) in the mouth are destroyed by the acidic by-products of the oral bacteria in your mouth.

Certain foods like sugar are linked to higher levels of cavity-causing bacteria and decay will also progress faster in people whose diet contains a lack of important nutrients. Research has shown that there is a link between oral health and systemic conditions such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Poor Nutrition affects the entire immune system and thereby increasing susceptibility to recurrent infection not only in the mouth but also systemically.

A lowered immune function has been shown to be a contributing factor to periodontal disease (gum disease). Just to give you an idea there are more bacteria in your mouth than the population of Northern America with more than 500 different species, so in essence: numerous bacteria can flourish by eating the wrong food.

By eating a healthy, unprocessed diet stack with vegetables (especially dark leafy greens), fresh fruit, complex carbohydrates, organic proteins and with limited intake of processed, high sugary foods will not only benefit your dental health but the increased intake of fibre and vitamins that are found in raw, healthy, unprocessed diet will reduce the risk of developing systemic diseases.

Minerals and vitamins are vital in sustaining oral health. Minerals and vitamins can be obtained by eating a balanced diet especially vitamin C (important for immune function, wound healing, collagen repair) and vitamin B (mucosal health).

Limited amounts of sunshine help the body to produce Vitamin D that is necessary for absorption of calcium which helps to build strong bones and teeth.

In summary, proper nutrition is vital for not only your health but also your mouth. Teeth are the hardest substance in the body, even harder than bones, by eating the wrong food and practising poor oral health you are essentially destroying the hardest substance in your body.

Sources 1. Casamassimo PS. Oral and systemic health. Accessed March 3, 2016 2.
